dear day …

It is so bright and sunny today that I just want to go out and sit by the water and NOT THINK ABOUT ANYTHING. I need to go somewhere and hide from myself. No matter how much I try to discipline my thinking, I fail miserably. M.Z Iqbal, my classmate once pointed at a beggar woman and said ” we talk about contentment and happiness .. look over there, you would see that .. in person! “. At that time we thought he was so right but today, if I saw him I would tell him how wrong he was.

I read some poems. They fluster me. But no, no reading for me today. I am going to clean the mess on my desk and start all over again. I was told to do what I desired to do. This is what i desire to do today. This should be a daily business. Ask the day every morning … dear day what do you want to do today and then do it.

Stark heartlessness!!

Those poems once again – they seem to be talking to whoever is reading them. And why I have this sneaking feeling that many fluttering hearts would swoon !!

ساعتیں وِصال کی

جانے کب پلٹ گئیں

دور جاتی آہٹیں

ہوا میں دور تک گئیں

خوب تر تھی خامشی

چاہتوں کے باب میں

اُس کا ساتھ ،ساتھ تھا

روح کے مِلاپ میں

چُپ کو اوڑھ کے شب بھر

انتطار کرتی تھی

رات کے سفینے میں

بادلوں پہ چلتی تھی

آرزو کی سنگت کیا

خواہشوں کی وحشت کیا

کچھ ادھورے خوابوں کے

خواب د یکھنے میں کیا

اک کتاب چہرہ تھا

رحل دونوں ہاتھوں کی

لو اگر لرزتی ہو

کون کس کو پڑھتا ھے؟

3 مارچ 2013

چھ بجکر تین منٹ

my dear doc.

Finally I put courage in both my hands, pushed and nudged and landed myself in my doctor’s office for my routine check ups. And when I came out of his office, ‘unbelievable ‘ was written all over my face.

He said everything was fine. Nothing to worry about. The only minus point was my blood report that shows  vitamin D deficiency.

“Why?” was his stern question.

“I don’t know.”  My meek answer.

“Living in Florida and you are D deficient? You want medication when you can have it free of charge?”  He said, short of yelling at me.

I dared not open my mouth.

“You don’t sit in the patio”


“Sometimes is not good. Go out everyday and spend at least half an hour under the Sun.”  He ordered.

“Okay.”  another meek response.

” I will order another blood test in a month”


And that was it. So why am I not feeling happy and relieved??


You break me in pieces

I build me again

for another day

for a deeper sigh.

But I know what you

do not know.

I will rise

and win the war.

Defeat you I will and celebrate

celebrate the freedom.

Freedom …..

the freedom I died for.

(dedicated to the people of Pakistan)