for floridians, spring has arrived …

For Floridians, Spring has arrived.

There is that exuberance, that enthusiasm – energy – in the air. A promise of renewal. I love this time of the year when the Sun warms your body and a delicious sensation spreads making fingers tingle.

Last night before going to bed, I opened the front door blinds and stood looking out at the sky. It was so clear and thousand upon thousand points of light looked back. Right in front of the door Jupiter was smiling. Juno is there to check on a wayward husband but that cheat was twinkling so bright like it had no worry to worry about … Is it the change of the season ? The Winter sky looked different without Jupiter looking back with a rogue twinkle there was nothing much to see and think.

Are you there? I asked.
Are YOU there?
It came back with a resonance. I had no idea who I asked and no idea who sent it back to me. But I felt reassured that someone was listening., someone – concerned and caring. The heart felt light and happy and strong too!

Blinds down, a love song on lips, I went to sleep. The night was kind. It took me softly and carried me in it’s world. I took a deep sigh and gave it all.

The morning, came tip toeing, promising a lovely day. Tea in hand, standing in the front porch, admiring my yellow roses and seeing so many buds in the making on the bush, I felt happy, There was a hint of a fragrance of orange blossoms. Yes. They are blooming near Oviedo where lots of orange groves are and around this time of the year the air is laden heavy with this fragrance.

Suddenly something caught my eye. Putting my cup on the chair I went where the movement was and stepped back. A young snake was slithering towards the bushes growing on the side of the drive way. Probably a garden snake.

Or maybe not.

Just a baby snake.
Babies grow too and become big snakes.

But on a lovely spring morning I was not going to snuff out a life . Does not matter even if it was a baby snake. Does not matter if it would grow up to be a big snake.
I let it go.

I do not know how it is at your side of the world but even if it is not there yet, it is not too far behind!



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